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What is Social Phobia?

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

Social phobia is a mental health condition that causes someone to experience intense and persistent fear and anxiety in specific or all social situations, as well as sometimes everyday tasks like eating or drinking in front of others. The anxiety is caused by a fear of being judged or humiliated by others.

Social fear is often the result of an overactive amygdala (the part of the brain that receives stimuli from the surrounding environment). People who are overly shy and socially phobic invariably have very sensitive tonsils (in part because of their genes, but also because of how they grew up). They find unfamiliar situations extremely ominous.

So let’s talk about 6 ways to overcome social phobia or social anxiety :

Scrutinise reality!

The first step is to understand what chemistry is going on in your brain when you feel anxious and timid. You’re not abnormal, your brain just reacts abnormally to new stimuli, making you handle them with extra care. Knowing this will help you rationalise what’s going on and make you more at ease in the future.

You don’t have to become shy and anxious, tell yourself that it’s just the response of some chemicals and cells to some non-existent threat, no need to panic (ignore the beating heart and sweaty palms), calm down and deal with it rationally.

Don’t get caught up in negative thoughts

When giving a speech, there are usually three related concepts: there is what you intend to present, what you present and what you wish to present. When you focus on what you can still improve, those negative thoughts, then it’s a vicious circle. After leaving a meeting, party, or some social occasion, don’t dwell on things that could have been better, and don’t think “why did I say that”.

Everyone babbles from time to time, however, focusing on the negative will make you believe that you are a socially misspoken person, and that thinking will often manifest itself. You have to realise that everyone can say the wrong thing, don’t bother, just ignore it.

No pressure

Don’t feel pressured to be funny, humorous, or talkative, just be your normal, natural self. That is, the pressure to be a certain kind of person exacerbates social anxiety and timidity.

You’ve done countless conversations in your life, and your next one will be little more than a test. You don’t have to be the life of the entire meeting. Be your best self and speak your mind when you have to. If you don’t need to talk or feel stressed, just calm down and have fun.

Don’t pretend

Don’t always assume that people will judge you, most people are mainly concerned with themselves and the things around them, and they don’t have time to entertain your behaviour. Remember this, and if you remember nothing in this entire article, remember this: every human being can be clumsy occasionally.

During conversations, everyone will say something inappropriate from time to time. Don’t assume that awkward situations and indifferences are entirely your responsibility, and don’t feel guilty about the negativity in the conversation. There will always be something out of place, there will be a cold scene, it’s normal, it’s normal, keep being yourself.

Body language

Your physiology determines your psychology. Avoid frightening behaviour, don’t hold back, and don’t hide. Stand up straight, hold your head high, and people trust the body language you show more than the words you say. If you look scared, people will think you are afraid and treat you like a timid person.

Look like a leader, walk like a president, and feel confident as if you were a king. Stand on the table, make an exaggerated gesture, and stand up straight. If you have the body language of a king, people will start treating you like a king, they will think you’re a king, and if you’re wearing a king’s clothing, you must have a reason to do it, and people will believe you show it the image of.

The secret to success

If you’re a socially phobic or shy person, you’re all too familiar with the pounding heart of speaking in public. Such a heart rate will make you confused or even forget words. If that’s the case for you, then keep these few lines in mind, because my notes will make your next public speaking easier and more successful.

As you know, when you practice speaking in the room, you’re not nervous, but confident enough to take it easy. However, when you are in front of a group of strangers, or even just in front of a few friends, mis-speech, embarrassment, etc. will make your body tense and your heart beat faster.

The key to solving this problem is how you practice. Practice doesn’t make you perfect, but perfect practice makes you perform better. When I say perfect practice, I mean when you practice regularly, you can accurately reproduce the feeling of your heart pounding when you speak in front of a crowd. Your heart will naturally be beating wildly during a presentation, and it’s important to maintain tension while you’re practicing so that you can get used to the tension and feel confident in properly mastering it.

So the next time you’re preparing for an important speech, go up a flight of stairs or a few more stairs or just do dozens of push-ups. Just do anything that gets your heart racing before you start your speaking practice. Do this a few more times until your heart is racing in the field but still feeling confident and calm.

Slowly, you will stop being edgy — because you understand that there is nothing to fear, the only thing to fear is fear itself.

Therefore, We need to understand that there is nothing to fear in social situations. What could happen, even at the worst? You should make a list of all the worst-case scenarios that could happen, and you’ll find that there’s nothing.

Calm down, take your time, be yourself, and have nothing to fear.


RelaxFrens is an app to help you meditate using relaxing sounds.

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